Telegram and WhatsApp are alternate messaging platforms that are designed to make communication quick or easy. Each app comes with a mobile and web version - that means conversations can be managed on multiple devices, a feature that is valued highly by the users.
Either apps display read or delivery confirmation, as well providing users with the option to create group chats and make voice calls.
One key difference between Telegram and WhatsApp is their differing attitude for the users’ privacy and data. Whilst WhatsApp uses end-to-end encryption for all of its services, Telegram only does so when Secret Chats (the end-to-end encrypted mode in Telegram) are enabled. Once users enable Secret Chats, nevertheless, they are able to send 'self-destructing' messages and photos which can be set to disappear after for the specific time period.
Here are many distinct differences between Telegram and WhatsApp.
WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging services applications in the world, but with the broadcast of its latest security breach you may be thinking of abandoning this app for an alternative. Perhaps Telegram is your answer. With the acquisition of WhatsApp by Facebook, the people are becoming increasingly suspicious platforms for the security capacity. WhatsApp promised end-to-end encryption, but recent reports emerged suggesting that spy malware had been created that could hack and monitor people’s accounts - specifically in this reported case, politicians or activists from Israel.
Telegram is a multi-platform messaging application that allows for the user to send encrypted and self-destructing messages – that mean a message or photo will disappear after a specified period of time. The primary features of Telegram include a chat function, voice call option and similar to the “broadcast” capacity on WhatsApp, Telegram has “channels”. Channels allow for the unlimited number of subscribers, by making them a great option for broadcasting messages to large audiences. You can also open and use Telegram on multiple devices at the same time, unlike some other messaging applications.
Unlike WhatsApp, Telegram users have a public username and ensuring that privacy can be protected. It’s possible to have conversations on Telegram without requiring a user's phone number.
Number of users
In currently, WhatsApp boasts above 1.6 billion active users compared to Telegram’s reported 200 million monthly active users. That means it’s much more likely that your friends and family would have WhatsApp as opposed to Telegram.
One of the biggest disadvantages of Telegram at the moment is that it isn’t as well known as WhatsApp, but this is beginning to change rapidly across the world. It is quite possible that Telegram will overtake WhatsApp in terms of users in upcoming years.
Telegram has the capacity to allow users to save images, multimedia files, text messages, and documents to the cloud. Telegram users can send any type of file via Telegram approximate 1.5GB. WhatsApp, on the other hand, restricts images, video and document type files.
Telegram also has bots. Telegram bots are applications set to perform specific functions, follow instructions and interact with users. Bots run inside the Telegram app and don’t require an additional installation procedure. Functions of the bots such as: sending relevant information about the weather and useful news articles, playing music, scheduling reminders, creating to-do lists, and other useful processes.
Telegram, on the other hand, has various bots, files sharing, platform compatibility and privacy, but doesn’t have a video call function and has a smaller user base.
WhatsApp allows users to make group video calls, has a larger user base, provides end-to-end encryption, but it lags behind Telegram in terms of features like limited file sharing and cloud storage.
How do WhatsApp and Telegram use your data?
The privacy policies can unveil important information like the types of data collected from each app and how exactly this is being used by its developers.
How WhatsApp uses your data
The basic data such as your phone number and having access to your contacts, WhatsApp tracks its users’ location, accesses their blocked contacts, analyses their habits, and many more so as to optimize performance.
How Telegram uses your data
By default, Telegram doesn’t use end-to-end encryption, that mean (at least in theory) Telegram could access its users’ messages when in default mode. Nevertheless, end-to-end encryption can be manually activated by enabling Secret Chats. Once Secret Chats has been authorized, users’ data is secure and they can benefit from all the usual features of end-to-end encryption. Users also have the ability to prevent messages from being forwarded and the option of putting their messages on self-destruct mode when Secret Chats is switched on.
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