
How can Artificial Intelligence help in Saving our Planet ?

Artificial Intelligence combined with latest technologies for gathering big data have been known and used by businesses for many years now. For instance, the bank can gather big data about loan products for all types from all financial institutions and the demographics of the people who find hose loans popular. It can feed that date for the machine with specific queries. That “intelligence” can organize the historical patterns of borrowing and use those patterns to predict the types of loans that future borrowers will want. Another uses such as transportation and logistics, healthcare and research organizations, sales, manufacturing, and marketing.

1. Smart Cities

Artificial Intelligence for planet sustainability is more exciting than the concept of entire cities being able to utilize its learning and recommendations. The small amounts of Artificial Intelligence are use in cities around the world. Here are few innovations that have come about because of Artificial Intelligence:

  • Traffic patterns can be ‘learned’ and then used to provide recommendations for everything from streetlights to road expansion.
  • Many cities are experimenting with automatically heating roadways during snowy and icy conditions. Artificial Intelligence has learned the conditions and can automatically activate the heating, turning it off again
  • Pedestrian patterns can be recorded or analyzed and additional walkways can be added to provide for congestion.
  • Just like homes, street lighting can be activated and deactivated based upon weather conditions and saving energy consumption
  • Even more important are such issues as a crime. Usually, the response to an increase in crime is to hire more cops. Nevertheless, Artificial Intelligence can identify patterns of criminal activity including certain neighborhoods and times of day, the right policing resources can be dispatched to the right places.
  • Cities can open of their Artificial Intelligence technology to all businesses that operate within its limits. They can use Artificial Intelligence to control of their energy uses as well.                                                 

2. Climate and Big Data/AI

Big data collection surrounding for the climate can now be gathered from unlimited sources, organized, and churned out to present scientists with the huge amount of information about climate conditions all over the planet. These changes can be charted to provide for the accurate picture of the damage being done. This accuracy gives scientists start points as they identify risk zones and vulnerabilities.

Artificial Intelligence is used to study t patterns and the results such as hurricanes, rising ocean levels, temperature increases and provide predictions for future vulnerability and potential damage.

Artificial Intelligence can also assist climate scientists and researchers test theories and potential solutions regarding for the reduction of air pollution. For instance is the Green Horizon Project of IBM; it analyzes data, formulates predictions about pollution, and actually tests scenarios for pollution reduction that researcher hypothesize. In recently, Google was able to cut its energy use and thus pollution by 15 percent, by using Artificial Intelligence and machine learning.

3. Individual Green Initiatives

They have already in encouraging for individuals to become more environmentally conscious. They have recycling efforts all over the planet. They have major educational initiatives to speak to human ocean pollution and the dangers it presents for almost in every species of marine life. Scientists are even creating machines to vacuum up trash.

Still, much more must be done. We have love affairs with our cars; they have continued to eat beef from cows that contribute 1/3 of the methane gas that goes into our atmosphere, because of the way they are raised and fed.

They leave home for day with our thermostats unchanged, heating and cooling an empty house; water our lawns, often forgetting to change sprinkler positions and that the sprinkler is still running. Artificial Intelligence and machine learning can help design and develop products that can reduce this waste. Further Artificial Intelligence-monitored devices will learn patterns for human use and automatically alter things including temperature and security systems, based upon those patterns. Humans can forget to alter of their devices remotely, but Artificial Intelligence controlled machine will never forget. Its projected approximate 15 percent of heating and cooling energy could be saved through these devices and above 8,000 gallons of water could be saved for per average household. That is the lot of green.

4. Weather Event Prediction

For annually, lives are lost and property lost or damaged due to weather events. If, the people and governments could have earlier warning signs that conditions are right for the major event, proactive precautions could be taken. Artificial Intelligence, through its ability to learn weather patterns and common results from those patterns can provide alerts before the human. Artificial Intelligence can also predict how long the weather event may last and its severity - based on the understanding conditions.

5. AI and Energy Grids

For the biggest challenges facing is an efficient use of power. The inefficiencies result is a lot of waste and waste results in use of energy resources beyond what is really needed. All additional energy use is stressful for our climate.

Artificial Intelligence is now beginning to be used to learn patterns of energy use, by geography, by times for day and night, by seasons. With this information, predictions can be made that result in the right distribution, amounts of storage needed, load management and more.

6. Air Pollution Detection

Artificial Intelligence is becoming an invaluable tool for tracking the air quality and identifying sources of pollution. During accidental emissions, city air quality officials need to identify and respond quickly. Some European cities are using leak sensors and Artificial Intelligence to help predict mortality rates, create emission maps, and estimate financial costs of emergency responses. These data points give decision makers for more accurate view of the air pollution along with the targeted remediation.

In additionally, monitoring the air pollution, Artificial Intelligence is also cutting tailpipe emissions. Artificial Intelligence manages self-driving cars to make getting from point A-to-B more efficient. Self-driving automobiles can cut oil consumption or greenhouse gas emissions more than 2-4 percent for yearly. Artificial Intelligence and global positioning systems operating driverless tractor-trailer rigs will make deliveries non-stop, faster and less costly into the planet. Complex algorithms, sensors and traffic lights are directing traffic flow in some cities. These systems are currently reducing travel time up to 25 percent, braking by 30 percent, and idling time by 40 percent.

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